Product safety
SCA wants to ensure safe and high-quality products and services for its customers and consumers. Products and services must also be produced and delivered with respect for people and nature.
In product and process development, the precautionary principle is used. We continuously evaluate raw materials and chemicals used in the products and SCA’s Supplier Standard sets high demands on the product safety of input goods.
We work proactively to replace hazardous chemicals for less hazardous alternatives where possible according to the requirements of environmental and chemicals legislation.
Legislation and standards
Products must meet the customers’ and authorities’ product safety requirements. Our safety assessments are based on legislation and standards that are relevant for the material and for the intended market and use. This includes legislation on general product safety, chemicals, food contact and biocides.
We naturally comply with the requirements of the EU’s REACH Regulation. This requires that we register, identify and manage the risks linked to all substances we manufacture or import ourselves.
We also identify and manage any risks linked to industrial chemicals and auxiliary chemicals purchased and used in our operations. Purchased chemicals are manufactured in accordance with common industry standards and relevant quality and traceability requirements. All chemicals are supplied at the purity and quality level stated in our specifications. This could, for example, concern food contact or technical quality, depending on the type of chemical and where it is used.