People and value-based culture
SCA has a people and value-based culture that is an integrated part of the way we interact with people, conduct business and operate. The culture is based on our core values – responsibility, respect and excellence – and our Code of Conduct helps us to translate these into practice.
Supporting sustainability targets and outcome 2024:
Target: All employees receive training in the Code of Conduct
Outcome: 97%.
Target: Purchasing from suppliers who share SCA’s values, >98% of contract suppliers have approved SCA’s Supplier Standard.
Outcome: 98%.
Target: No workplace accidents resulting in absence.
Outcome: LTA frequency rate 3.1 accidents resulting in absence, per million hours worked.
Target: Develop leaders who can address future needs.
Outcome: Green rating on leadership index.
Target: Employees who grow and develop.
Outcome: Green rating on engagement index.
Our purpose
With the force of the forest, we contribute to a sustainable future. This is achieved with responsible forest management, resource efficiency and renewable products.
We are a responsible company with a high level of integrity both among employees and suppliers. SCA’s Code of Conduct includes principles on business ethics, relationships to employees, health and safety, respect for human rights and the environment. It is our compass that helps us translate our core values into actions.
Efforts to promote sound business practices, good working conditions and well-being all start from the Code, but that is not where they end. To follow through on these efforts, we analyze risks, train employees, inspect our own and suppliers’ plants.

Our core values
We have a responsibility to nature, each other and future generations. We are also responsible for ensuring that we all feel safe and secure at work and that we are given opportunities to develop. When we assume responsibility, learn more and have fun, we do a better job.
We always strive to exceed expectations, by improving ourselves, our products and our services in order to create a sustainably profitable and renewable future.
Respect for our colleagues, customers and business partners is a given. Treating people as equals and showing mutual respect fosters cooperation and allows us to develop – as people and as a company.