We develop and pursue the expanding involvement in wind energy
To address the looming changes due to climate change, society needs to reduce its dependence on energy produced with fossil fuels and increase the share of fossil-free renewable energy. Wind power is one of the keys to coping with the transition.
Some of Sweden's largest wind power projects
Together with our partners, we contribute to the realization of some of Sweden's largest wind power projects. At the end of 2023, 9,0 TWh of windpower was produced on SCA's land.
Long term goal
SCA has the long-term ambition to become one of Sweden's leading suppliers of fossil-free electricity produced by wind power.
Leases and development
Before construction, we participate as support for the projects up to and including the operational phase. True to SCAs strategy we also work with the acquisition of already existing wind projects.
Crushed products for road construction
As a designer or prospective owner of a wind farm, you need crushing material. We can offer suitable products for the construction of new roads and foundations as well as the material you need for road maintenance. When re-designing a wind project on SCA land, we can together identify opportunities to meet possible future needs through, for example, an extraction permit application.
We take care of your roads
As a large forestry company, we manage several thousand kilometers of road on our land and are responsible for road maintenance and snow plowing. We can help you as a park owner to manage your new roads. You can agree with us on, among other things; management, supervision and coordination of road maintenance. Naturally adapted to your needs.