Corporate market biofuels and pellets

Welcome to contact us to buy or sell biofuels. We help you with long-term and flexible deliveries of biofuels.

Customer service, order reception, and sales:  + 46 611 244 26  •

Our deliveries

Deliveries from us can include both biofuels from the forest, such as slash and stemwood chips as well as biofuels from the sawmill industry like bark, sawdust and pellets.

The advantages of deliveries of biofuel from SCA 

  • Large and broad raw materials base provides an opportunity for a flexible fuel mix
  • Own production and logistics ensure long-term and reliable deliveries
  • Control of the entire chain, from raw material to customer
  • Extensive experience of biofuels and pellets production

Welcome to contact us!

Customer service Bioenergy

Customer service Bioenergy

0611-244 26
Per Abrahamsson, Manager Sales and Marketing, Bioenergy

Per Abrahamsson

Manager Sales and Marketing, Bioenergy

Mathias Andersson, Sales and Purchases, Bioenergy

Mathias Andersson

Sales and Purchases, Bioenergy

+46 611 15094
Jonas Engstrand, Sales and Purchases, Bioenergy

Jonas Engstrand

Sales and Purchases, Bioenergy

+46 90 154179

Submit a request

You can also make your request for pellet delivery via our form. Welcome!

500 000 tons of pellets

About pellets
Pellet storage

What sustainability means to us

Learn more about our sustainability work

Our value chain

More about out value chain

Fossil-free word

More about a fossilfree world

How by-products become sustainable energy

Sawmill process with by-products

Climate-smart whisky made from sustainable energy