Bioenergy - the entire tree is used
SCA’s products are renewable and sustainable. In this way, we enable others to transition to fossil-free alternatives. In addition to contributing with products that have a low climate footprint, such as sawn timber and pulp, we also offer renewable energy in various forms.
Welcome to one of Sweden’s largest suppliers of forest-based solid biofuels!
Our wide range of fuels allows us to deliver wood fuel mixtures according to customer preferences. When our renewable fuel products replace those with a greater impact on the environment and climate, they also contribute to our customers’ success and sustainability.
Residual products become sustainable energy
SCA engages in forestry to produce sawlogs. What cannot become timber products is turned into paper, pulp, or bioenergy in a highly efficient system where the entire tree is utilized.
Branches and tops, already collected in the forest, become chips and loose biomass. The bark is used for energy at the sawmill and by our customers. The sawlog becomes long-lasting timber products, the chips become pulp, and the sawdust, a by-product from the sawmill, goes to pellet production.
Our own production and logistics ensure long-term and reliable deliveries. The raw materials are carefully controlled - we oversee the entire chain from forest to customer.
SCA’s solid biofuels are used for energy production, electricity, and heating - mainly in the Swedish market. The customers are large combined heat and power plants, local heating plants, large and small heating facilities, municipalities, multi-family houses and detached houses.
In Härnösand, Timrå, and Sundsvall, surplus heat from the pellet industry and mills is also utilized in the municipalities’ district heating networks.
For companies – buy and sell biofuels
Contact us at Corporate market about buying and selling biofuels and pellets for industrial purposes and businesses. As one of Europe’s largest producers of forest-based bioenergy we can offer long-term and flexible deliveries.
The entire tree is used
Everything apart from the trunk is a potential raw material for our energy production. The part of the tree that cannot be used for solid-wood products, such as the upper section of the tree, becomes chips and is used in our pulp production. More than half of the log is used for wood products. The remainder becomes chips for pulp production or sawdust that is refined into pellets. The bark is used in energy production.
Our product range – solid biofuels from the forest
By-products from sawmills
When timber is sawn, we utilize residual products, such as sawdust, wood shavings, bark and dried wood chips. Bark and dried wood chips are supplied unrefined while sawdust and shavings are refined into pellets.
Felling residue

The extraction of slash (branches and tops) is preceded by so-called slash-adapted harvesting, where we place branches and tops in piles beside the harvester’s tracks while the trees are being harvested. After the slash has dried for a summer in the clear-cut area, it is transported to the roadside. The piles are covered with paper and chipped during the heating season. To be burned and transported efficiently, the slash is broken down by crushing or chipping.
Slash can also be mixed with roadside clippings, forest fuels from roadside trimming,
Fuel wood and stemwood chips
Fuel wood comprises trees and parts of trees that are not suitable for the pulp and sawmill industry’s processes. Fuel wood is delivered to our customers as roundwood or chipped (stem chips).
Biofuel from industry
Wood raw materials that cannot be used in the industries become biofuel. By-products from sawmills, such as bark, sawdust and dry chips, become fuel and the cellulose chips are used as raw material to industry.