We turn the power of forests into renewable energy
We can see growth and business opportunities in wind, bioenergy and biofuels. Rising demand for renewable and climate-friendly energy combined with the need for alternatives to oil and gas provide us with good potential to make a further contribution to the energy transition – by providing and developing sustainable energy.
We offer

Wind power
The demand for wind power is growing. About 20% of Sweden’s total wind power production is generated on SCA’s land We develop and drive SCA’s expanding involvement in wind energy through various collaborations, acquisitions and own projects.

Solid biofuels
By using all parts of the tree, we utilize the tree’s full potential. Our residual products become bioenergy. Branches and crowns are used for forest chips and bulk brash. Bark becomes energy at the sawmill and for our customers. The residual product from the sawmill, the sawdust, is refined into pellets.

Fuels made from sustainable raw materials play a key role in the climate transition. Through efficient forest operations, industrial tradition and innovative development, the best possible conditions exist to offer more renewable products that contribute to the sustainable development of society.

As Europe’s largest private forest owner, SCA owns large areas of land with favorable wind conditions. In Renewable Energy, we are developing wind power projects – independently or together with partners. Our objective as we move forward is to build, operate and own our own wind power to produce green electricity on SCA’s land.
SCA is one of the largest suppliers of forest-based biofuels in Sweden, as unrefined residual products from the forest and industry, and as refined fuels in the form of pellets. Our pellets are produced at several different plants in Sweden and through collaboration we manage the sale of additional pellets volumes.
Renewable Energy also develops products for the next-generation of fuels and green chemicals. SCA has formed a joint venture with the Finnish energy company St1 to produce biofuels. A major fuel investment is being prepared at the Östrand pulp mill together with St1.
We see growth opportunities in the renewable energy sector, where we have announced plans to grow our presence in wind power and bio-based energy. Our ambition is that renewable energy will be a long-term value driver for SCA.

Deliveries 2023
At the end of 2023, the capacity for wind power production on SCA’s land was 9.0 TWh per year, equivalent to about 20% of the total wind power production in Sweden. In 2023, SCA produced 11,1 TWh of bioenergy. 9,3 TWh was used in SCA’s own plants and 1,8 TWh was delivered to external customers.
Reports and presentations9TWh
Wind power on SCA land 11.1TWh
produced bioenergy 300,000tonnes
wood pellets

Renewable Energy
- energy@sca.com