Guidelines for the environmental work at SCA Skog
The forest is the foundation for SCA’s operations. Our forests are managed with a long-term approach, and with an ambition to both produce more valuable raw materials and to preserve and develop the forest’s other assets. The aim is to have at least as much timber, biodiversity and nature experiences in our forests in the future as we have today. This means that our forests are managed in a resource-efficient manner and with environmental consideration in all of our actions.
We work systematically to reduce our negative environmental impacts. We ensure this through certification of our forest management practices and our products in accordance with forest management and chain of custody standards provided by the Forest Stewardship Council™ ,FSC™, (FSC 004466) and the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification. PEFC, (PEFC/05-23-131), as well as certification in accordance with the ISO 14001 environmental management standard.
- We shall comply with current regulatory requirements and environmental conditions specified in granted permits and other binding standards.
- We shall employ staff with the right expertise who will help to develop and steadily improve our business through their deep commitment to the environment and environmental issues.
- We shall conduct operations that limit and prevent negative impacts at the same time as we take positive actions for people, the environment and society. We achieve this by producing and delivering our products and services with a focus on resource efficiency, modern technology and a risk-based approach.
- We shall maintain a close dialogue and collaborate with our customers, suppliers, contractors and other key stakeholders to develop and steadily improve our operations.
- We shall clearly specify the environmental standards that our suppliers and contractors must meet, as well as our expectations on those who work with environmental issues in their operations.
- We shall responsibly source all wood raw material and are therefore certified according to the requirements of FSC and PEFC regarding chain of custody and controlled wood standards.
- We shall actively promote responsible forest management across our entire area of operations. When we conduct work on behalf of private forest owners, we strive to take the same level of environmental consideration as we do in our own forests.
- In the event of major changes in our operations, we shall consider our impact on people, the environment and society.
Sundsvall, August 2023
Jonas Mårtensson, President SCA Skog