Our tree nurseries

Within NorrPlant, our plant seedling operations, we lay the foundation for the next generation forest. Every year, over 100 million seedlings see the light of day on our own "tree nursery". Plants that grow into trees, bind carbon dioxide and form the forests of the future.

SCA's plant operations NorrPlant consists of Bogrundet and Wifstamon's tree nurseries, located in Timrå municipality. Quality and knowledge are guiding stars in our work to give the future forest the best possible start and high growth.

We use the best seed material on the market, which produces cultivated plants that grow well, up to 30 percent better than uncultivated forests. This results in forests that grow better throughout the cycle time.

100 million seedlings

Every year we grow and deliver over 100 million forest seedlings with documented good plant vigor. Our facility covers just over 50,000 hectares, an area equivalent to 100,000 football pitches. About half of all the plants we grow are used for regrowth in SCA's own forests, the other half we sell to external customers.

We offer plants of spruce, pine and Pinus contorta. The latter is a Canadian pine species that grows 40 percent faster than the Swedish conifer species and which provides a valuable addition of renewable raw material. Depending on the tree species and where the trees grow, it takes between 60 and 120 years from one forest generation to the next.

A green start 

Our plants get a green start thanks to completely fossil-free heating in both of our tree nurseries. The heating system in Bogrundet is powered by pellets from SCA’s pellet factory, and we heat Wifstamon by using waste heat from SCA’s pulp mill in Östrand.

Our plants




From seed to plant

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Research and Development

Hylosafe® – protects the plants

World-class research and development

It’s all about the roots