Improved environmental work
The environmental management standard helps us improve our environmental practices. SCA Skog has been certified according to ISO 14001 since 1998.
ISO 14001 is an international environmental management standard established in 1996 by ISO, the International Organization for Standardization. The standard aims to simplify environmental practices for organizations and companies, and help them reduce their environmental impact.
The standard is a tool for ensuring that environmental practices are implemented systematically and effectively, and that continuous improvement of these practices will lead to a reduction of the company's total environmental impact.
Based on environmental guidelines
The environmental management system is based on SCA Skog's guidelines for the environmental work.
The system is a tool that will help us achieve our environmental objectives. A key component of the system is always striving for improvement. Within the framework of the management system, nature conservation objectives have been defined for forest management, transport, reforestation after felling operations and the use of pesticides in our nurseries.
An important focus is our aim to produce and deliver our products using technologies, methods and input materials that limit our negative environmental impact, and our leading role in the use of wood-based fuels. This promotes the role of forest management in the long-term production of renewable resources.