About SCA Forest
SCA's business area Forest is responsible for the forestry management of SCA's extensive forest holding with 2.7 million hectares of forest land in northern Sweden and Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Our operation handle the forest, fellings and wood purchasing in order to supply our industries with wood.
SCA Skog har around 530 employees in Sweden and the Baltics. Head office is situated in Sundsvall but we have around 35 local offices around northern Sweden and also offices in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
Our operations consist of five functions: Market, Forest and Silviculture, Production, Wood procurement and The Baltics.

There are also five supporting staff units: HR, Finance, Real estate, Technique & digitization and Business management.
The Market function is responsible for buying timber from private forest owners and offers them forest-related services for sustainable and profitable forestry.
The Forest and silviculture function is responsible for the management of SCA's own forest and handles all silvicultural services, in both SCA's own forest and on behalf of private forest owners that buys our services. The function also includes SCA's seedling operation with Bogrundet and Wifstamon nurseries, along with road construction and aggregate products, which sells crushed aggregate products to roadwork and civil engineering projects.
The Production function is responsible for harvesting forest, regardless of whether it is private forest or SCA's own forest.
The Wood procurement function is responsible for supplying our industries with the transportation of timber from forests to wood terminals and industries. They also handle wood businesses with other forest companies.
The Baltics function is responsible for SCA's forest holdings in Estonia, Latvia and Lithunia. We also have companies for buying wood, mostly pulp wood, for SCA's Swedish industries and manage our own terminals.