SCA Training Programme
Boost your knowledge and stay a step ahead. Combining your knowledge of packaging with our knowledge of materials, together we'll build your expertise on everything from fibre to box.
Boost your knowledge
Today’s corrugated processes are more complex than ever. New materials, technologies and solutions can mean new challenges. With so many variables to consider, how do you stay a step ahead? The SCA Training Programme can help. Combining your knowledge of packaging with our knowledge of materials, together we'll build your expertise on everything from fibre to box. This includes the essentials of product safety. How to diagnose and prevent problems. Work safely and efficiently. And get that competitive edge.
In-depth and customised for you
In a 1- or 2-day event focusing on the pulp-and-paper process, we’ll work together with you to find the best solutions to your specific challenges. Each step of the journey from wood to paper, paper to board and board to box will be covered. This includes building expertise on the underlying principles of corrugating and the materials involved – as well as how to diagnose and prevent problems, test packaging and much, much more.
Internal communication thrives with increased knowledge, regardless of your role at the company and how long you have been in this business.
By raising understanding for what actually affects quality throughout the production chain, we can deliver better quality.